Baby Pangs
When I got pregnant with my son, Omri, it was easy. My husband and I decided it was time. I got of the pill. Waited the appropriate three months and then "wham, bam, thank-you ma'am." The deed was done. 38 weeks later, we had a 6 lb. 4 oz bundle of joy. And what a joy he is. When you are childless and still enjoying it, everyone tells you, "Just wait and until you have one. Then you'll wonder why you didn't have one sooner." And the truth is, they are right. For every sleepless night, marathon crying jag (his and mine) and the unpleasant experience of being peed on, pooped on and thrown up on - there are far more joys in a single moment, a single glance, a single sigh, than you have ever experienced before.
And then you decide it's time for another. My son will be 3 in August. I have been trying to get pregnant since last fall. In fact, it was right around his birthday last year than I got off the pill for the second time. And there has been plenty of "wham, bam" but unfortunately no "thank-you ma'am" this time around. If everything had gone according to plan (and in my life, everything must go according to my plan), Omri would have had a little brother or sister a couple of months ago. Apparently, someone thinks messing with my plan is funny.
Now when I say we've been trying to have a baby since last August, that is not entirely true. I have to admit that baby preventing methods were used in December, January and parts of February. Why? Well, the thing about having a baby is you have to provide for them. My job requires that we hold a very large fundraising event during October. I did not want to run the risk of being away from my job or away from my child during that time. I want to be able to be completely focused on my child and not have to worry about whether or not insurance permits have been secured, water donated and t-shirts ordered. Some people have laughed at this decision, telling me that I shouldn't plan my life around my job, but who are they kidding? There are consequences for every decision we make - and I believe in what I do for a living and I also believe in being a good mother.
I'm going to try to document my trials and tribulations of getting pregnant the second time around. As I write this, I could be pregnant, but who knows. Keep your fingers crossed.