Friday, April 09, 2004

1. What do you do for a living?
I am the Executive Director of the Central Oklahoma Affiliate of The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. I have worked here for almost two years. Prior to this I worked as a Public Information Office for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. Funny thing is, I got my bachelor's degree in Art History and then went on to get my master's in Public Relations. Strange how one ends up so far from where they started.

2. What do you like most about your job?
Feeling like I am doing something good and worthwhile. My problem with my last job, other than the late night phone calls from the media and the gruesome topics I had to discuss, was the feeling of always being reactive. Never proactive. My job now makes me feel that even the little things I do each day are making a difference in the fight to discover the cure.

3. What do you like least about your job?
Knowing that some women I meet will not be here next year because we will not have found the cure.

4. When you have a bad day at work it's usually because _____...
Things aren't getting done fast enough or how I want them to.

5. What other career(s) are you interested in?
I have always wanted to own a restaurant or small gift shop. I'd love to work in television or movies as a buyer - either clothes or set furnishings. I also think it would be fun to be the person who gets to choose the fonts for the credits in movies - not sure what that job is, but I would love to do it. Publicist. Stay-at-home mom.


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